Make Your Modular Kitchen Shine With These Easy Cleaning Tips

by Mohita Adhvaryu | August 30, 2023 | 5 mins read

how to clean kitchen shiney

Simple tips to keep your modular kitchen clean and clutter-free

The kitchen is the soul of your home and it needs to appear like that when anyone enters it! You might own a functional, a la mode kitchen with all the latest amenities installed like an oven, chimney, fridge, and more. Yet over time, it can get dirty and dull. Not to mention all your effort and thought that went behind creating a stylish modular kitchen just goes for a toss – thanks to lack of time to clean and maintain it.  These simple tips will help you clean your modular kitchen without any added stress or preparation! Read them and plan a kitchen clean-up day soon.

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How To Clean The Kitchen On A Daily Basis?

Instead of allowing dust, spillage to ruin your kitchen over time, use the hack of daily clean-up to return to a prim and proper kitchen every morning! Here’s how to go about it.

How to clean kitchen on a daily basis
Clean your kitchen at the end of each day to ensure dust and grime doesn’t pile up

Floor: Sweep your kitchen with a broom once or twice a day as per your convenience. You can also wash off the spills with dabs. Avoid flooding it with water though because it could ruin the doors.

Drawers And Cabinets: Ensure that the doors of cabinets, pull-outs, drawers are closed well. That way you would avoid spills and the extra cleaning that is needed. Wipe your utensils well before you arrange them this will stop the accumulation of moisture that breeds bacteria.

Sink: Avoid putting garbage in your sink. Do not let food scraps accumulate in it. This will ensure that its plumbing remains easy.  Use harmless, mild cleaners to rinse it instead of chlorine-based liquids. Got a steel link? Do not ever use rough scrubbing pads then, go for nylon ones. You can also use a mix of water and vinegar to wash off the sink and make it germ-free and contain bad smells.

Hob: Keep crumbs of food away from hob and make sure to clean it up immediately once your cooking is done. Be careful when you are using liquid and don’t let it spill around the same.

Backsplash And Countertop: Keep your countertops clean with the help of organic cleaning agents. Harsh chemicals will make their surface rough.  Do not use sharp objects around them as they can ruin the glossy finish. Use warm water disinfectants every day to wipe away the fingerprints and stains. 

How To Keep The Kitchen Clean On A Weekly Basis?

Once a month go for deep cleaning of your kitchen and carefully look at each of your amenities. 

How to clean kitchen on a weekly basis
Create a monthly ritual to deep clean your modular kitchen with disinfectants and warm water

Towels: Regularly clean kitchen towels because it can lead to the growth of bacteria. Always have an extra set of them ready.

Refrigerator: Stocking up your fridge? Quickly empty it, wipe the shelves and clean it with a soft cloth. Wipe off the spills, strong stains by using diluted vinegar. You can place a box of coffee beans or soda inside it to contain all the lurking smells.

Microwave: Use of mix of water and vinegar or lemon juice to clean the exterior of your microwave. Place a bowl of water, lemon slices inside the microwave for around three minutes. Let it be for 30 minutes and then wipe down the stains.

Design your modular kitchen that are smart like you

Tiles: Cleanse the surface of tiles with the help of water and baking soda. You could also use hydrogen peroxide, ammonia with water to wipe off tough stains. A toothbrush also comes handy for removing the tough stains. Once in a while, rely on the good old vacuum cleaner to clean it all.

Garbage Bin: Use a disinfectant spray, hot water to clean away the garbage. Ensure that you completely dry it before using it again. This would keep germs and bad smells away.

Yearly Cleaning For Your Modular Kitchen

Worried about spending extra money on maintaining your kitchen? Fret not. Avoid all the redundant expenses, go for yearly cleaning and save your bucks.

how to clean kitchen with appliances like how to clean a chimney
Meticulously clean your kitchen every year to avoid huge expenses.

Plumbing: Periodically, use bleaching powder and ensure that it stays leak-free.

Exhaust Fans: Ensure that your exhaust fans, dehumidifiers, vents are cleaned regularly by professionals to let them function well for a longer span.

Chimney: Deep clean the chimney with the help of vacuum cleaner and soap.

Quick Takeaway to Maintain a Shiny Modular Kitchen

How to clean kitchen with how to clean kitchen sink
Schedule deep cleaning for your kitchen on a monthly and yearly basis

As you just read, cleaning your modular kitchen is not rocket science. With quick and easy to implement tips, a well spread-out cleaning plan, you can keep it spic and span round the clock. Follow them and cook in your kitchen like a star!

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Mohita Adhvaryu is a content writer for Design Cafe's home interiors blog.

Mohita Adhvaryu

Mohita Adhvaryu is a writer and filmmaker with a keen eye for aesthetics. She comes with seven years of experience and also works with companies as a content and brand consultant. Her style of writing is inspired by her engineering days.

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